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Sunday, May 27, 2007
  Change blog..............

helo helo...........
i had jus changed my blog to
Idiot dumb
so pls go ther ^^
Dun come here anymore...unless if u wan to see the post or pictures ^^
ok and pls relink me, if u wan
and i will not b posting here anymore....
thank you ^^ :)

1:52 PM |

Saturday, May 26, 2007
  A Premium blog..............

Helo every1...
Here to introduce a "NICE" blog to u all.
Click the NAME below ^^
Hav Fun.

>>>>> Skylevis <<<<<

5:04 PM |

  Idiotic Games for Idiotic Days ^^

Hi every1,
here to introduce
a game...

Boring of Homework..?
goin to die of boredness?
Oh, then try this.

Click here to go to the 'AIQ'
AIQ stands for 'Andkon Impossible Quiz'
But it tink it shuld be ' Andkon Idiotic Quiz' ^^

12:43 PM |

Thursday, May 24, 2007
  Mor pictures...

some pl vandalise on the bus...><

See so messy!...Constructors made the mess..

Programmers keep them all...-.-''

This old man at least better..

but a bit naggy ><


the robot maze de playin field..seems easy but its not ><
a few student army standin ther...lol

lol lol so many tool bars

the picture of the pig a bit blur...but so cute!

see see we al so busy!!

Constructors busy busy lol

6:55 PM |


a few boys sitting ther..


Another nice try lol

a scenery at the school...^^

tat gor gor goin to operate the robot and Ms Naime stand ther watchin ^^

trying to 偷拍 arh...

the one wearing the green collar shirt is tat gorgor lol.

another ppl helpin us make the robot ^^

lol..looking at the fone..

Hi!! Back from the trip

to the Anglican High ^^

So fun!!

we 8:30am go..

5:30pm then reach school!!

so happy theer!!

we so long nvr programme

and go competition le!!

Then actually is the P5

in the competition..

then we the P6 go ther

and help...^^

then we help them (sure win lah~)

then ltr bcome we the only ones

doing it >.>

then ltr our names added to the competition

name list!


Then the firs mission was

the one bout the 'Robot Maze'

its like folo the line..


folo folo folo..?

then got one mayb Sec 3 or 4

de 'gorgor'

from Anglican high go help us ^^



he sooooo dam good in robotics!

all the points we nvr ever thought

of he also got tink of..

then ltr he helped us get 2nd leh!!

then ltr is the Lunch Time..

very very delicious!

and the dirnk also very nice..

the chicken meat soooo tender..

but they giv so much

so i jus throw away the leftovers ><

then ltr go bak to the lab..

we bcome...

more serious (?)

than jus now lol.

Then nex is the 'Robot Parade'

very very FUN AND HAPPY.

At firs we play with the

Toy Lion..

then ltr...

WQ and TH and Chicken Little

build the thinggy.

then after tat

i go programme.

then...the parade was ready

and they put a wheel

under the lion's head..

so tat it will mov like its dancing ^^


Then the trainer there keep say

"this is the bes team...


everythin can move..

so cre8tive...


then ltr we go Tea Break...


at firs we thought is at the dining hall..

so we ran ther..

then see all locked lol

so we ran to the canteen

then say got sandwiches..



and Tea and Coffee..

i took a piece of cake.

and drank tea..

so shiok

then we talk talk

happy hapy ..

then ltr we go bak lab..

so fun sia..

then ltr we mus do the feed bak form..

do le got M n N chocolates!!!!!!!!

then eat eat. ^^

Then ltr we ran out of the lab..

then we shout so happy..

so happy

then tr mus build the climb stairs thinggy..

but we havent even

complete they say mus pack up...


so we pak up..

then go to the meeting hall..

then we see the Damai Sec

and anglican high

play robo soccer...

Damai trashed Anglican High.

lol 0 to 5 leh~

then...here comes the xciting part...




then ltr at firs

is the Robot Maze..

we get 2nd!!

but i didnt get a medal...cos not enough ><

but i take trophy ^^

then ltr is the Robo Parade

at firs we thought we get firs..

but tat Bedok West got it instead -.-''

then we get 2nd again

then the ARROGANT Damai Pri,

tat kept sayin "we're the bes! "

get 3rd (las) LOL

then ltr we take medal and trophy again..

then ltr is the las one..the legged Robot..?

is the climb stairs one..


we got 2nd


then Damai get 3rd again..


then got 3 tropphys..

then we keep taking pictures of one another..

keep 偷拍 each other lol.

then ltr ok liao...then go bak sch

we chat chat in bus..

then we take group photo...

hapy hapy then we go home..

^^ got lots of pictures to post...

haha kk byee!

5:49 PM |

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Another face lol..
shoe hanging at the tree!!

classical looking lamp

so elegant...

Pizza hut...style rite..so much design

a face from my soup

made myself using metal...

lizard...at the celling of my house...today in the school..
a small lizard 'climbed' up Jiali's leg...><

My cute cousin ^^

Jus wan to post some pictures...
and finaly holidays..
so happy!!

But i dun wan to face
its mad bcos it wil
People Start Liking English
but i tink..
its better that
Please Stop Liking English

ok ok i go watch TV..
tomoro goin to Parkway
tomoro tomoro goin Meet Teacher...
scary scary..
lol kkk byee


8:51 PM |



成为普通的朋友 :)

For those tat are non chinese..
it means tat ..

Our frenship could nvr the same..
and i wont let the history repeat..
we shall mind our own business and forgot the pas
and shall not offend each other.

i hope we can become
good frends :)

I hope tat no one will speak of this
matter again..
and if u rly wan to noe the
whole truth..
Pls come to me or Jiali
so tat we can tell u the true version. ^^

And all these had nothing to do with Jiamin..
so dun pull her into the water ;)

4:29 PM |